Past Activities

The active member activity for the 22/23 active members was a grateful experience with a PubQuiz organized by the 14th Board. There were about 15 members that joined this hilarious experience, questions varied from Music knowledge, Ockham knowledge, Board Knowledge, Philosophy, and even Chemistry knowledge. 

Accompanied with tea, cola, Radler, or beer and some snacks; this delightful experience had tons of fun answers. I can recall that AcCie was the committee that organized the nicest event, Publicie was the most favorite committee from the AMA attendees and special attention was mentioned to our TarT tradition (see picture of hammies below), and Acquisicie and Sympcie were the second and third most popular. Do you think another committee deserves the most popularity? Then, your chance is there! Be active at Ockham this year in any of the committees and get the great experience of being at the coolest UT honours student association. 

Hope to see new faces being active in this year and all of you in the Ockham Room!! 

- the mysterious leader -


Hammy Horoscopes, October 2023
