Sign-ups open now!
Have you already heard of Create Tomorrow, the biggest student think tank in the world? We've made it even better! Together with 4TU, we are organising the first ever 4TU Honours League. Within Create Tomorrow we'll have our own league with Honours students from the Twente, Delft, Eindhoven, and Wageningen.
During the optional first day event we have improved the standard programme with special events for you to meet and bond with your own Ockham team and the other Honours students. On the second day you'll work on a company-connected case in a battle for honour and a cash prize.
Best of all, we will cover the registration fee, food during the two days, and optional accommodation on campus!
📆 May (2 &) 3
📍 UTwente
👥 Honours bachelor & master students from the 4 TU's
💰 100% free (with food etc. incl., chance at winning cash prize and guaranteed fun and inspiring time)
More info and registration at
Be quick, as there are only 32 spots available!
Sign up March 5th latest! After that or when the limit is reached you'll be placed on the reserve list :(