Lunch Lecture - Ministry of Foreign Affairs
The first lunch lecture of this calendar year was held on Wednesday the 8th of February. The SympCie had invited Peter Verheijen, a representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of The Netherlands (and, coincidentally, also Noah’s (the Commissioner of External Affars) father), to tell us about his experiences at some of the Dutch embassies around the world. While enjoying our sandwiches, we learned a lot about the impactful work being done by ambassadors and supporting staff - for instance, mending and maintaining international relationships, arranging humanitarian help in times of need and even providing mediation in trans-national abduction cases. It was nice to see that the audience was so engaged, asking many questions! We hope that you will also join us at the next lunch lecture, on Friday the 24th of February, during which our dean (Prof. Joost Kok) will be present as a speaker.