What is a GMM?
A General Members Meeting (GMM) is a gathering of members of our association to discuss and decide on various matters related to it. These meetings are usually held at a half-year interval in our association. During the meeting, members have the opportunity to hear reports on the organization's activities and finances, raise concerns or questions. These meetings are conducted according to an agenda, with the guidance of the chairman of the Board. Some of the topics that can be discussed at a general members meeting include financial reports, board elections, updates on ongoing or past projects, initiatives, and other matters related to the organization's governance. Essentially these meetings ensure the democratic progress of our association.
What can you do during a GMM, and how to do these actions?
During a general members meeting, you have the opportunity to vote on important matters related to the organization. This includes matters such as board elections, changes to the organization's bylaws, and the approval of important financial decisions. At our GMM’s you can vote by raise-of-hand. Your votes will be anonymously noted down.
You also have the opportunity to ask questions and voice concerns about the associations's direction, policies, and decisions. At our GMM you will be able to walk up to the microphone, state your name and your question, suggestion, and your thoughts. You can raise your points during any part of the GMM. Your points will be noted up in the minutes of the association, and will be reflected on during the meeting or during the next GMM. If you do not have a point do not worry as It is not mandatory during the meeting to raise one.
You can raise a motion! Motions have to be tabled to the board in writing and signed by at least five members of the association. Motions need to be addressed immediately, with the suspension of the agenda item under discussion.
What are the Documents and what can you read in them for the 2023 Half-Year GMM?
Before the Half-Year GMM you receive a letter form the Board of the association containing the following documents:
Agenda: The agenda contains a list of items to be discussed during the meeting, including various documents, points, and matters to vote upon.
Minutes: The minutes reflect the happenings of the previous GMM (2022 Change GMM of H.V. Ockham). The minutes contain the present members, and notes down the discussed topics, mentioned points, and votings relating the topics.
Board Change: It is a separate document detailing the change in the Board structure of the association.
Half-Year Report: The Half-Year report is a summary of activities and progress that the association has made in the past half year. It talks about the Board’s goals and what has been done to achieve them. The report gives an overview of the activities that have taken place in the past half-year, and how the committees of the association are doing. At last, the report reflects on the external relations, promotion & sustainability, and a sign-up form change. This document is tied together with the financial half-year report, GMM agenda, and the board change document.
Financial Half-Year Report: The Financial Half-Year Report is a summary of the associations financial activities related to the Half-Year Report and the general activities of the association.
We hope that this article answered your questions regarding the GMM. If you have any remaining questions feel free to ask on intern@hvockham.nl or read our association documents on the following link!
See you at the next GMM!